Hi, I’m Desiree

Although I have a complicated relationship with the local sports scene (I grew up with a Duke allegiance, attended NC State, and now live down the road from UNC…), the Triangle has been home my whole life. I desire for this place to be transformed by compassionate care and for families to draw on the power of companionship and community support to recognize their strength and receive encouragement. After all, the internet, strangers, and even our closest family members and friends have a lot of opinions about how we choose to do things as parents.

Although I began working as a doula prior to experiencing motherhood myself, the additional support of my sister-in-law during the birth of my son reinforced in me the power of having a calm, supportive presence in the delivery room (in tandem with my wonderful and supportive husband). Her encouraging touch and words were an invaluable component of my labor, my son’s NICU stay, and my immediate postpartum period. I strive to be a non-anxious presence in what can be a confusing, fretful time for those adding to their families. I’m convinced that nurturing the parents, as well as the baby, is absolutely essential to framing (or reframing) our labor and postpartum experiences as joyful and satisfying.

Through ProDoula, I am a certified birth doula and postpartum and infant care doula. I am trained in the mechanics and process of childbirth, comfort measures to minimize discomfort and cope with contractions, and newborn care and feeding methods, among other things. I have attended over 30 births, including planned Cesareans, inductions, and unmedicated vaginal births, in addition to supporting numerous families postpartum. My personal areas of interest include perinatal nutrition, mood disorders, and breastfeeding.

I share my home in Carrboro with my husband, son, and our senior tabby, Marge. We’re involved in our local church and enjoy visiting the farmers’ market, sharing meals with friends, and getting outside as much as possible.

A few other random things about me:

  • I previously taught high school English and absolutely love reading. This is my first year not setting a reading goal on Goodreads in an attempt to prioritize enjoyment over accomplishment

  • I eat a homemade dessert MOST nights of the week

  • I almost always choose a podcast over music

  • I can trace my interest in birth back to my freshman year of high school when I chose to write my final paper about effective methods of coping with the pains of childbirth